Michael R. Bromwich
Founder and Managing Principal, The Bromwich Group
Michael R. Bromwich is the Founder and Managing Principal of The Bromwich Group. He has been a practicing lawyer – a federal prosecutor and a defense lawyer – for 35 years. He served as an Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York (1983-87), and as Associate Counsel in the Office of Independent Counsel: Iran-Contra (1987-89). He subsequently served as the Inspector General of the Department of Justice (1994-99) where he was DOJ’s principal oversight official, responsible for investigating public corruption and systemic issues matters relating to waste, fraud, and abuse within DOJ and its law enforcement agencies (FBI, DEA, etc.).
His work as Inspector General included investigations of the FBI Laboratory, the FBI’s role in the Aldrich Ames affair, and DEA’s involvement in the CIA-crack cocaine controversy. In private practice, he has represented companies and individuals in numerous criminal investigations. He has served as the Independent Monitor for the DC Police Department on use of force and civil rights integrity issues (2002-08) and has more recently served as the Independent Monitor for two of the ten largest companies in the country.