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Joon Buhm Lee

Joon Buhm Lee

Current work:
Assistant Professor, Inha University (South Korea), teaching and researching civil procedure

I received my Bachelor of Law and Master of law from the Seoul National University, and LLM and JD from the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School. I received the Karin Lest Award for excellence in the LLM Program. I also have experience practicing law as a litigator both in South Korea and the United States.

SJD program:
My dissertation topic involves three articles on Korean securities litigation. My dissertation committee consisted of Penn Carey Law Professors, Jill E. Fisch (Chair) and David Skeel, and Fordham Law Professor Martin Gelter. I graduated in August 2022.

Impact of SJD program in your career:
The SJD program provided the skills for pursuing and boosting my academic career.

What makes the SJD program at Penn unique:
The strong support from the law school and the professors and access to wealth of sources and data.

Advice to SJD candidates:
Keep in regular touch with your advisor, even if you are not in residence. Use the sources provided but also reach out for more if you think you do not have access, but you should (e.g. the Wharton Research Data Services.)