Elizabeth Gatto
Class Year: 2024
JD/MBA Program Model: 4-year
Hometown: Greenwich, CT
Undergraduate Major and Institution: Public and International Affairs at Princeton University
Previous Professional Experience: Chief of Staff at Blue Marble Microinsurance
Extracurricular Involvement: JD/MBA Student Association, If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice, Morris Fellows Program, Penn Business Law Association, Private Equity and Venture Capital Club, Retail Club, Sustainable Business Coalition, Wharton Guiding Undergraduates in Development and Education, Wharton Women in Business, and Yoga Club
Career Plans: TBD
Why a JD/MBA? Over the past decade, I have been drawn to the interdisciplinary aspects of my education and work experience. I decided to pursue a JD/MBA at Penn because it provided a compelling opportunity to obtain a versatile education, strengthen my problem-solving skills, and connect with like-minded classmates. I am grateful to be part of amazing communities at both Penn Law and Wharton, especially the JD/MBA Student Association.