Lachlan Athanasiou L’23
Lachlan was raised in Albany, CA, in the San Francisco Bay area and attended Washington University in St. Louis where he majored in Political Science and Philosophy and was a member of the varsity Football and Track & Field teams.
Before law school, he lived in the Mississippi Delta where he was a teacher and assistant football coach at Greenville High School. During his 1L summer, he returned to Mississippi to intern at the Mississippi Center for Justice, where he investigated potential cases for, and provided legal research and writing support to, the Center’s Impact Litigation Initiative. During his 2L spring, he externed at the Brennan Center for Justice. And during his 2L summer he was an Ella Baker legal intern at the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), where he worked primarily with CCR’s recently established southern regional office.
At Penn Carey Law, Lachlan served on the boards of Law Students for a Democratic Society and the pro bono Democracy Law Project. He was also an Articles Editor for the Journal of Constitutional Law.
Lachlan spends his free time worrying about how to achieve democracy in America.