Chao-Tien Chang
Current work:
Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Before attending Penn, I was a practicing lawyer in Taipei and a doctoral student at the National Taiwan University College of Law.
SJD program:
Dissertation Title: Democratic Deliberation as an Emerging Bioethical Principle: Biobanking as an Example
Advisor: Dr. Anita L. Allen; Date: December, 2014
Impact of SJD program in your career:
Pursuing an SJD at Penn changed my life. It opened the door to an academic career for me. I have benefited from the reputation of Penn’s education and academic excellence, whenever I have applied for a position or sought a chance to present my work. Also, the network of Penn Carey Law alumni in Taiwan provides me with friendship and support.
What makes the SJD program at Penn unique:
The best thing about the Penn SJD is the chance to work with those great legal minds among US legal scholars. My advisor, Prof. Annita Allen, taught me not only bioethics and privacy law, but also the attitude of being self-disciplined, resilient, and feminist. Prof. Eric Feldman always gave me inspiring research advice even after I graduated. Prof. Jacques deLisle is one of the most genius scholars I have ever met. What I directly learned from them is invaluable.
Advice to SJD candidates:
Search for the field and the topic that you feel enthusiastic about.