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Eric Foley L’09

Eric Foley L’09

Eric works in the Louisiana office of the Roderick & Solange MacArthur Justice Center, a nonprofit civil rights law firm with a focus on using impact litigation to reform the criminal justice system. His practice focuses on reform of the use of bail, fines, and fees in the criminal justice system, police misconduct, and the rights of protesters. He enjoys suing state judges, sheriffs, police officers, and other equally nefarious characters. He previously worked as a staff attorney at Southeast Louisiana Legal Services in New Orleans, with a focus on housing and public benefits, and clerked for the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico. At Penn Carey Law, Eric was president of the Guild Food Stamp Clinic and participated in the Criminal Defense and Civil Practice clinics. Eric has been lucky enough to argue and win a case before the Fifth Circuit concerning a financial conflict of interest created by a fee that the Orleans Parish Criminal District Court collected on every commercial surety in the Parish. One day, Eric hopes he can be even half the lawyer that Professors Lou Rulli and David Rudovsky are.