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Isaac Hoeh L’25

Isaac Hoeh L’25

Isaac Hoeh is a 2L born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. He attended the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where he majored in Political Science and Philosophy, graduating in 2021. Isaac’s commitment to community-based resistance to unjust criminal legal systems guides his aspiration to work as a public defender after law school.

For his 1L summer, Isaac interned at the Defender Association of Philadelphia. At The Defender, he advocated for clients in bail hearings, conducted client interviews, observed and supported public defenders in criminal trials, and worked with juvenile clients and their families to avoid pretrial detention.

At Penn Carey Law, Isaac is the Vital Records Coordinator for the Walk-In Legal Assistance Project and is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Law and Social Change. In his free time, Isaac enjoys riding and racing bikes, cooking with friends, and spending time outside.