Sin Chit LAI
Current work: Assistant Professor at City University of Hong Kong; teaches and research competition law.
Martin was born and bred in Hong Kong. He has received his BEcon & Fin and MEcon from the University of Hong Kong, Juris Master from Tsinghua University, and LLM and SJD from the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law. Martin also received European Union competition law training from the University of Munich.
SJD program:
Dissertation topic: A Law & Economics Approach towards Private Antitrust Enforcement. Dissertation committee: Professors Jonathan Klick (Chair), Herbert Hovenkamp, and Christopher S. Yoo. Graduation: May 2020.
Impact of SJD program in your career:
The SJD program has equipped me with the skills essentials for pursuing an academic career.
What makes the SJD program at Penn unique:
Collegial learning environment; strong support from the law school; close relationships between professors and students; the law school has strong ties with other departments (e.g., the Wharton Business School; the law school is not too far from New York and Washington DC, so students can attend academic conferences there frequently.
Advice to SJD candidates:
Take advantage of the strong ties between Penn Carey Law and other departments. For example, SJD students may audit classes offered by other departments, or even work as Research Assistants. This is particularly helpful for those who conduct interdisciplinary research.