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Eric J. Friedman & Skadden 1L Accelerate Program

June 06, 2024

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The Eric Friedman Skadden 1L Accelerate Program (1LAP) will provide 1Ls with an early look into the Penn Carey Law experience.

The University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School is pleased to announce the launch of the Eric J. Friedman & Skadden 1L Accelerate Program (1LAP), a summer pre-orientation program that will provide enhanced support to 1Ls without personal or professional legal networks; those who are the first in their family to attend graduate or professional school; and those with backgrounds of limited financial resources or experiences not commonly found in the legal profession.

Skadden 1LAP logo The program, which is made possible by an endowed gift from Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, honors the 15 illustrious years that Eric Friedman L’89 served as Skadden’s Executive Partner as well as his extensive contributions to the legal profession and steadfast commitment to making the profession more accessible. 

“As we expand who can benefit from a legal education, this program is a critical step to ensuring all of our talented students feel welcomed into our community and well prepared for success in law school,” said Penn Carey Law Dean Sophia Z. Lee. “We are grateful to Eric and to Skadden for sharing our vision of providing an accessible and inclusive, as well as exceptional, legal education.”

The first 1LAP three-day program will take place August 5-7, 2024 and cover academic support, class preparation, and professional identity formation. Students will also have opportunities for community building, mentorship, and creating their own legal networks.

Interested students will be selected by application and must commit to full participation in the three-day immersive program. Participants will be provided with meals, housing, and travel support.

“In order to make the legal profession more accessible, it’s imperative that we support efforts to expand pathways for promising law students to enter the field,” said Jeremy London, incoming Executive Partner at Skadden. “During his 15-year tenure as Skadden’s Executive Partner, inclusion, training, and development were among Eric’s key priorities. Consistent with our firm’s—and Eric’s—commitment to diversity and inclusion, this pathbreaking initiative appropriately honors Eric’s transformative leadership in this area.”

Learn more about the Penn Carey Law admissions process.