On September 13-14, 2022, Perry World House (a hub for global engagement and international policy research at the University of Pennsylvania) is hosting its annual Global Order Colloquium. PWH is seeking to hire 1-2 students to serve as rapporteur(s) for the Colloquium.
This year’s Global Order Colloquium focuses on issues related to globalization, de-globalization, digital currencies, labor, and connectivity in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic challenged many of the fundamental assumptions of a globalized economic order, and PWH hopes to bring leading experts to Penn to discuss the future of these issues.
Perry World House is commissioning a pre-Colloquium report and a post-Colloquium report. The pre-Colloquium report will lay out some of the substantive and academic issues associated with the workshop, and the post-report will summarize the activities of the Colloquium and next steps.
The Rapporteur(s) will:
- Research and write a pre-workshop report (2,500–4,000 words);
- Read and copyedit up to twenty written memos (1,000-1,500 words each);
- Attend and take notes for the full Colloquium on September 13-14 (8:00-5:00);
- Write a post-Colloquium report, including editing and revising drafts (5,000–10,000 words; up to three rounds of edits), for which they will be a credited co-author.
- Write-up short policy recommendations based on panelist discussions.
The pre-report serves as a baseline for discussion. The report, drafted by the rapporteur, explains the focus of the workshop, the state of current research and policy, and the stakes of the questions being asked at the workshop/colloquium. The pre-report is not published externally, but can help serve as a basis for the post-report. The post-report will be published on the Perry World House website.
The deadline for the pre-workshop report is August 8, and the post-workshop report deadline is September 30.
The stipend for the rapporteur will be $1,250.
Interested candidates should contact: Thomas Shattuck, Global Order Program Manager, (tshatt@upenn.edu) by July 27.