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Journal of Constitutional Law

The University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law (JCL) provides a forum for the academic advancement and interdisciplinary study of constitutional law. To that end, JCL cultivates innovative scholarship, promotes critical perspectives, and reinvents the traditional study of constitutional law.

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Since its founding, the Journal of Constitutional Law (JCL) has emerged as a leading publication and remains the only Ivy League publication that exclusively concentrates on issues of constitutional law. As a result of its position within the legal academy, JCL is fortunate to receive and publish the work of many of the leading scholars in the field from all over the world, including: the Honorable Sandra Day O’Connor, the Honorable Guido Calabresi, Richard Epstein, Laurence Tribe, Seth Kreimer, Kermit Roosevelt, Erwin Chemerinsky, Marci Hamilton, Barry Cushman, Sandy Levinson, Martin Redish, David Rudovsky, Mark Tushnet, the Honorable Douglas H. Ginsburg, and Jerry Mashaw.

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JCL, in partnership with the National Constitution Center, held its Volume 23 Symposium on the past, present, and future of presidential elections on January 29, 2021. The discussion featured leading scholars, law professors, political scientists, journalists, and former campaign advisers, as they explored the history, current problems, and complexities of presidential selection — a central component of our constitutional system. 

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Journal of Constitutional Law
University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
3501 Sansom Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104

The Journal of Constitutional Law is published five times a year by students at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School. Hard-bound issues are available by subscription or by special order. The full text of both the current issue and back issues may be read online.

For questions regarding subscriptions, please contact the Managing Editor at