Hybrid Classroom Guide: Students
Note: Hybrid classroom setups are currently in the testing phase, details are changing daily.
Connecting Remotely:
- 1) Login to the Canvas and authenticate via twofactor using your phone - https://www.law.upenn.edu/courses/
2) From the Canvas Dashboard home screen, select the class you wish to connect to by clicking the corresponding tile on the right, you should see all courses you are currently enrolled in listed.
3) From the selected course home screen navigate to either the “Student Zoom Course” tab (circled twice below) or the “Panopto Recordings” tab (circled once below). **Note that the layout from course to course of the course sections listed may appear in different listed orders**
4) For Zoom – will launch a window like pictured below to launch the zoom application and connect you to the course zoom call. You will be logged into a waiting room until the instructor starts the call. Note that this will not work if the instructor is not connected in off hours. Once connected you can communicate via your computer’s microphone when unmuted or using the “chat” button found in the bottom middle of the zoom window.
- For Panopto, once you click on the “Panopto recordings” tab you should see the list of all former class recordings as well as any livestream currently happening, which you can connect to by clicking on it and watch with a slight delay from real time as seen on the second image below.
Troubleshooting Tips:
- check your computer volume when connecting to classes as well as the volume in Panopto (found in the bottom right of the livestream) and the audio and video “Mute” buttons in Zoom (found in the bottom left, as pictured below).
Panopto Volume controls:
Zoom Mute Video and Microphone buttons:
- Make sure you have a stable connection and if possible use a hardwire connection for best zoom call and Panopto livestream quality.