T112, T253, GK238, GK330, SM28, S270, SG52, Faculty Lounge, and Dean’s Conference
Room Technology Instructions
Login to Classroom PC:
Using the keyboard and mouse, login with your LawKey credentials:
- For easy access, login as a Guest in lower left-hand corner: no work will be saved with this option
- Login as Faculty & Staff: yourlawkey@law.upenn.edu
- Login as a Student: yourlawkey@pennlaw.upenn.edu (or yourlawkey@penncareylaw.upenn.edu for students entering JD ’25 and later)
Access Microsoft Office 365, Canvas, and/or OneDrive by clicking appropriate desktop icons. Your 2-Step authentication is required for all PennKey and Canvas logins. Remember to bring either your phone, key-fob or list of authentication codes to class with you to complete this authentication. When logged into the PC with your LawKey, check Trust this Browser to reduce login time for future logins. Please be aware, the classroom PC may not save these settings from class to class.
When finished, please remember to Double-click LOG OFF button on the PC desktop:
Connecting a Laptop or device:
Rooms are equipped with Wireless Laptop Connection, which allows you to wirelessly send your laptop or device screen to the room displays. Click here for instructions.
Send the PC, Laptop or device screen to the room display:
- Under Display, press On to turn on the Projector or TV Display.
- Select your source: PC is selected by default. You can choose Laptop to use the Wireless Laptop Connection.
- The Mute button will hide the Projector or TV Screen from showing (ie. if you need to access your email before showing a slideshow)
- Use the volume knob to adjust in-room audio, if you are using audio with your presentation.
Control panel may look slightly different than below image:
See Dual Delivery Guide for help setting up a partial remote class
Need further assistance?
For urgent problems, press the ITS Help button and an ITS technician will arrive at your class within the next 5-10 minutes. If the help button is unavailable, call ITS Media at 215-898-9570.
For non-urgent matters, email ITS at itsmedia@law.upenn.edu
For urgent after-hours (after 8pm) or weekend support: Call 215-898-9570 and leave a message detailing your problem, your room, and a phone number where we can reach you. An ITS technician will call you back within 20 minutes.
Other resources that may be helpful: