ITS Online»Canvas»Media Requests and Recordings

Media Requests 

This page provides explanation for terms on the Media Requests page on Canvas. Use this tool to notify ITS of technology needs. For information on scheduling classroom recordings, please click here.

Request Media

All of your class recordings and media requests are scheduled directly through Canvas. You may schedule a course recording up to one minute before the start of your class.

Each Friday you will receive an email confirmation of the upcoming week’s scheduled classroom technology. If you wish to opt out of the confirmations, please email us.

All other requests should be made before the day of your class. For same day requests, please call the ITS Media hotline at (215) 898-9570 or email


Use the Shortcut box to to add or remove a technology request in all meetings.

Individual Course Meeting Requests

To customize individual sessions, scroll down and use the check boxes next to each class.

Explanation of Terms:

Recording options:


Recording: Recordings are posted 24-48 hours after the class ends, in the “Panopto Recordings” folder on your Canvas site, available to all students in the course. Two video feeds are recorded: the classroom PC screen and the room camera. Laptop screen capture is not available in all rooms. Recordings start and end automatically based on the scheduled time of the class. Students see a picture-in-picture display of the two video feeds, plus synchronized audio. Click here for more information about scheduling recordings.


Make my recording “Private”: Checking this box saves recordings to the “Private Recordings” folder within the “Panopto Recordings” folder on your Canvas site. These recordings are not available to students by default. To grant access, click here for instructions on sending “private” recordings to students, or contact FSS with a request to send a private recording to particular students.


Make my recording audio-only: Checking this box notifies ITS that you would like all video content (PC screen and video camera) edited out of your recording. Creating an audio-only recording requires extra processing time. Audio-only recordings will be posted 48-72 hours after the recording ends.


Other technologies:


Computer: Internet-connected Windows PC with Microsoft Office suite and standard classroom applications. Log on using your lawkey. Available in all classrooms.


Lapel Mic: clip-on mic that amplifies instructor voice in the room. Available in: G1, G2, G213, G214, S147, S240a, S240b, S245a, S280, GK-70, Fitts Auditorium.


Doc Cam: Projects paper document onto the projector or display. Available in Gittis classrooms, and other rooms by request.


Podium Mic: Installed microphone on podium that amplifies instructor voice in the room. Available in G1, G2, G213, G214, S147, S280, GK-70, Fitts Auditorium.


DVD playback: Not available in all rooms. Please contact ITS Media (using the Notes field below) to have your DVD transferred to a digital format.


Video Conference: Recommended application is Zoom Video Conferencing. Please enter information in the Notes field below: email address for the attendee(s), and the purpose of the video conference (e.g. a guest speaker, a student attending the class remotely). ITS Media will follow up with connection information.


Phone call: Conference phones are available in most seminar rooms. Please enter information in the Notes field below: phone number of attendee(s), and the purpose of the phone call (e.g. a guest speaker, a student attending the class remotely).


Panel mic.: Large classrooms can support up to 3 panel mics. Enter number of panelists in the Notes field.


Technician: A technician will meet you in your classroom ten minutes before the start of class. Please enter your question or help request in the Notes field below.



Course Recording Retention Policy

ITS course recording retention policy is two years.  Old recordings are deleted annually on August 15th.  Instructors have the option to delete any unwanted recordings at any time. D