Brand Elements
The Law School logo is the primary branding and design mark and utilizes the “Penn Carey Law, University of Pennsylvania” type treatment. This version replaces all instances of all previous institutional logos.
The Penn Carey Law logo is trademarked and is the intellectual property of the University of Pennsylvania. Penn’s trademarks cannot be modified or co-branded.
Please email or submit a ticket to request a high-resolution file of the Law School logo. Include information about the intended use of the logo.
Logo Applications and Usage
Only the following applications are allowed per Penn Carey Law the style guide. Usage that does not align with these policies should be corrected as soon as possible.
Penn Blue and Penn Red comprise the signature color palette.
In general, the full-color logo on a white background (shown above) is the preferred staging for stationery and general documents to hold the signature. For dark backgrounds, the reverse-color logo (white text with a full-color shield, shown below) is permissable.
A single-color signature can be used when only one color of ink, paint, stitching, or engraving is available or if the background does not provide sufficient contrast. Use the single-color version either on white or reverse white on a Penn Blue background when the full-color version is inapplicable.
For print applications, 100% Penn Blue is the preferred single color. Alternatively, process black will be the choice when Penn Blue is unavailable.
Stacked Logo
Usage of the stacked logo should be limited to instances with space restrictions, such as for merchandise and social media.
This treatment can only be used with express permission from the Office of Communications. Please submit a ticket detailing your project and logo needs.