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Benjamin Franklin Society

Since its founding in 1955, the Benjamin Franklin Society (BFS) honors donors who provide leadership-level, unrestricted support to the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School. Unrestricted gifts provide a foundation for the university, which supports increased access through scholarships, curricular innovation, and enhanced student and alumni programming.

In short, BFS donors enable the Law School to meet the short- and long-term needs of our students. Additionally, their commitment and generosity exemplify Ben Franklin’s belief in impactful philanthropy and they serve as an inspiration to fellow donors.

BFS Member Benefits

In honor of your commitment as a Benjamin Franklin Society member, you’ll receive special household benefits, including exclusive event invitations and insider access as listed below*:

Exclusive Event Invitations

  • VIP University of Pennsylvania Homecoming Brunch on campus (Fall)
  • VIP University of Pennsylvania Reception in New York City (Winter)
  • Private reception for BFS members in Philadelphia (Spring)

Additional Member Benefits

  • Advanced access to Law School speakers and events
  • Recognition in the Law School’s Annual Report and the Journal
  • Recognition on the Law School’s Donor Wall
  • Law School branded gifts

*Member benefits are subject to change

How to Become a BFS Member

By making an annual unrestricted gift at one of the leadership levels listed below, you will become a Benjamin Franklin Society member for one year. Membership is renewable annually.

BFS Levels of Support

  • Ambassador - $25,000 and above
  • Founder - $10,000 to $24,999
  • Fellow - $5,000 to $9,999
  • Associate - $2,500 to $4,999

Young Benjamin Franklin Society

The Young BFS recognizes the valuable contributions of the Law School’s most recent alumni. Members of this group are donors to the Annual Fund (the school’s unrestricted fund) and are split into three distinct groups based on the number of years from their graduations:

  • 10–14 Years Since Graduation — $1,000 and above
  • 5–9 Years Since Graduation — $500 and above
  • 0–4 Years Since Graduation — $250 and above

Young BFS members are included in the University’s Benjamin Franklin Society, with all of the same perks and benefits listed above.

If you have questions about the Benjamin Franklin Society, please contact:
Cate Galbally  | 215-746-0341


Make a Gift