Sara Lynch L’18
Sara clerks for the Honorable Timothy J. Savage of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. She formerly worked as a Community Legal Services of Philadelphia (CLS) staff attorney, representing people with disabilities in applications and hearings to obtain Supplemental Security Income. Prior to CLS, Sara was a Penn Carey Law Fellow at the Defender Association of Philadelphia in the Children & Youth Justice Unit, advocating for youth education rights and challenging conditions of confinement.
During law school, Sara volunteered with the Youth Sentencing & Reentry Project (YSRP), providing mitigation and reentry support in resentencing proceedings for two client-partners who had been sentenced as children to mandatory life without parole. She was co-director of the Youth Advocacy Project, director of the School Discipline Advocacy Services project, and Articles Editor of the Journal of Law and Social Change. She also participated in the Interdisciplinary Child Advocacy Clinic and Public Defender Clinic.