The Regulatory Analysis and Decision-Making executive education program equips professionals in the public and private sectors with a “modern regulator’s toolbox.”
The University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School’s innovative six-day Regulatory Analysis and Decision-Making executive education program helps professionals across all industries and regulatory domains improve the analytical and regulatory decision-making skills essential for effective operation within an evolving regulatory landscape.
This past spring, another three dozen executives and professionals completed the certificate program offered by the Penn Program on Regulation (PPR) and Penn Carey Law Executive Education. Executives and professionals can register for the 2024 program, which will run June 4 - 7, 2024, at Penn Carey Law’s campus.
“Year after year, the breadth of the Regulatory Analysis and Decision-Making program continues to astound me, as does the ability of our faculty to keep abreast of, and ahead of, changes in the regulatory sphere across industries,” said Cheryl D. Hardy L’94, Associate Dean, Professional Engagement and Strategic Initiatives, Legal Education Programs. “The faculty’s expertise allows participants to keep abreast of the changing regulatory environment too—and this is readily evident in the enthusiastic feedback we receive from our program participants,” she added.
Participants in this spring’s course held a variety of leadership roles at organizations, companies, and agencies in the public and private sectors, representing a range of experience working with regulations and ensuring compliance.
“This program has given me a framework for how to think about issues I would previously just lay awake at night stressing about,” one participant noted.
Designed and led by PPR’s Director, Cary Coglianese, Edward B. Shils Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science, the program comprises a dozen sessions taught by leading regulatory experts and Penn Carey Law’s renowned faculty.
“The challenges facing both regulators and the regulated community can be daunting these days,” noted Coglianese. “This program gives managers, executives, lawyers, and other leaders the tools needed to navigate through a complex, changing environment.”
Tess Wilkinson-Ryan L’05, G’06, PhD’08, Professor of Law and Psychology, taught a session in the program on behaviorally informed regulation and policy, while Jonathan Klick, Charles A. Heimbold, Jr. Professor of Law, taught sessions on cost-benefit analysis and statistical analysis.
In addition, Dr. Shelley Metzenbaum, former Associate Director of Performance and Personnel Management at the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and experienced environmental regulator, taught sessions on regulatory performance management.
“I could not ask for better instructors,” one participant commented. “They knew the subject matter not only as academics but as practitioners.”
The 2023 program covered a range of topics and issues relevant to regulatory officials, executives of regulated businesses, and other professionals who engage with regulations. Sessions addressed goal setting, the design of regulatory instruments, compliance issues, retrospective regulatory reviews, and regulatory excellence.
One participant noted that “whether from an operational or policy perspective, this program gives you the information, support, and tools” necessary to make your organization “highly effective.”
Participants worked with regulation in sectors ranging from agricultural and environmental industries to communications, health, finance, and defense. Despite the differences in regulatory domains, the course encourages participants to reflect on similarities across these fields. They appreciated the program’s “real world, practical discussion with an amazing diversity of fellow regulators,” allowing for connections to peers who “understand and can provide insight on how to overcome challenges” related to regulatory analysis and compliance.
One professional also noted the program’s focus on regulation as a public good: “It reminded me that there remains a calling for strong, versatile, competent public servants acting in the public interest.”
Coglianese is a globally renowned expert on regulatory law, analysis, and management who has produced extensive action-oriented research and scholarship that he draws upon in leading the course. He has consulted with regulatory organizations around the world and is the founding editor of the peer-reviewed journal Regulation & Governance. He also created and continues to serve as the faculty advisor to the PPR’s flagship publication, The Regulatory Review.
Professionals and executives interested in this certificate executive education program are encouraged to register early for the 2024 program as enrollment is limited. This year’s program will take place June 4-7, 2024, at Penn Carey Law.
Learn more and register for “Regulatory Analysis and Decision-Making.”